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Trends in the Development and Competitive Analysis of Regional Industrial Park Structures


Denis S. MIRONOV Jr. Lecturer of Applied Mathematics Dept.

Andrey Ye. PLAKHIN Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor of Management Dept.

Anna B. STAVROVA Project Manager


Economic ties of economic entities involved in industrial park structures are based on long-term contracts and vertical and horizontal interactions, and this feature distinguishes them from holdings. The particularity of industrial park structures also contributes to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises due to the fact that outsourcing, i.e. transferring a part of a technological process to another enterprise, is widespread among network structures. The process of creation of industrial park structures on the basis of the current enterprises is associated with keeping the existing job positions and generating new ones, expanding the product mix and a possible transition to manufacturing of innovative products. The article presents the results of studying the trends in the development of industrial park structures in the Russian Federation and determines the level of competitiveness of Sverdlovsk oblast’s industrial parks in terms of indicators that are used by potential investors (residents) when making a decision on localization of their production in a particular industrial park.

Industrial park struct ure, Industrial park, Cluster, Competitiveness
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For citation: Denis S. Mironov, Andrey Ye. Plakhin, Anna B. Stavrova. Trends in the Development and Competitive Analysis of Regional Industrial Park Structures. Upravlenets – The Manager, 2016, no. 4(62), pp. 11–19.