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Problems in implementing lean production at enterprises


Nina A. MARKOVA Chief educational expert of the Higher School of Business and Economics

Denis A. MARKOV Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor of Management and Marketing Dept.


Despite an extensive experience in lean production accumulated in the world and a wide range of scientific and practical literature on this topic, Russian industrial enterprises still encounter numerous difficulties while introducing lean production. We address two groups of problems arising at Russian industrial enterprises associated with (a) introduction of the lean production tools and (b) resistance to change. To succeed in overcoming these challenges, a set of recommendations, regulated according to the situation at an individual enterprise, is necessary to be formulated. The methodological basis includes works of Russian and foreign researchers on production management, lean production, kaizen, production systems management and quality management. To ensure the fairness of the findings, we use the data retrieved from scientific conferences, publications of Russian and foreign experts on lean production and facts and figures provided by industrial enterprises. The authors formulate recommendations on effective implementation of lean production and management tools, such as motivation, training, leadership, culture and structure. By adopting the recommendations given in the paper, industrial enterprises will learn to use lean production tools correctly and build a management model focused on continuous improvement and development.


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For citation: Markova N.A., Markov D.A. Problems in implementing lean production at enterprises. Upravlenets – The Manager, 2018, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 40–48. DOI: 10.29141/2218-5003-2018-9-6-4.