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Deviant Subculture of Ural Teenagers and Public Safety in the Region

Author: Boris S. Pavlov, Dr. Sc. (Philosophy), Prof., Chief Researcher, Institute of Economics (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Abstract: The article analyses the nature and content of the “deviant subculture” phenomenon in a big city. The various aspects of deviant behaviour among adolescents are considered, causes and conditions of their confrontation with their parents are analysed. Particular attention is paid to the value orientations of teenagers and young adults of premarital age. There were used the results of a series of comprehensive surveys conducted in 2005–2013 by the Institute of Economics of UB RAS under the supervision and with the direct participation of the author.

Keywords: Deviant subculture of youth, parent family, value orientation, deviation, “sin”, violence, premarital behaviour