English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)
The Algorithm for Choosing a Location for Business Entities of Trading Services Logistic Systems

Authors: Irina Yu. OKOLNISHNIKOVA, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Professor of Marketing Communications Dept., South Ural State University(National Research University)

Yulia G. KUZMENKO, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor of Trade Economics Dept., South Ural State University (National Research University)

Yekaterina D. KONKOVA, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor of Trade Economics Dept., South Ural State University (National Research University)

Abstract. As a result of the study, the authors suggest an integrated model and an algorithm for choosing locations of trade service objects which includes an invariant approach to the formation of «consumer trail» based on logistic integration of subsystems and units of macrologistic trade service system in order to optimize the level of socio­economic development of the logistic territory. Due to the increasing trend which is typical of major cities and associated with a limited choice of plots of land (or even their absence) available for organization of large trading service objects within city limits, the paper proposes and scientifically grounds the option which provides not only the choice of the suburban objects’ locations, but also a way of forming transport, warehousing and trade infrastructure, and excludes the direct involvement of the state in the light of the strategic directions of internal trade development of the Russian Federation. The algorithm allows modelling a multidimensional scenario for the development of trade in the region in the long term, while adjusting the existing consumption streams of urban level which are among the key vectors of modern transformed logistics development.

Keywords: logistics, trade service sphere, transport infrastructure, warehousing infrastructure, logistic integration, placing of objects, logistic territory, microlevel, mesolevel, macrolevel