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Tools for Forming a Talent Pool of the Public Civil Service in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


Yekaterina A. PANOVA Cand. Sc. (Sociology), Associate Professor of HR Management Dept. Yelena A. VASILIEVA Dr. Sc. (Sociology), Leading Researcher Natalya N. OPARINA Sr. Lecturer of HR Management Dept.


The paper uses the materials and results of the interdisciplinary study “Youth policy as a key component of the system of skilled labour reproduction in the Far Eastern region of the Russian Federation”. The purpose of the paper is to assess the effectiveness of various practical aspects of regional youth policy implementation in the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation. The article is a case study of forming a talent pool for managerial positions in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It explores the existing practice of forming and using the talent pool comprised of citizens and public servants to be appointed to the managerial positions of the state civil service and public authorities. The paper specifies the basic factors in increasing the importance of the talent pool in the system of personnel management of the Russian civil service. The authors reveal the key characteristics of the Republic’s system for seeking promising candidates among young people for public authorities. We place special emphasis on the analysis of the region’s most widespread tools for attracting young specialists and discuss the number of appointments to managerial positions among candidates from various types of talent pools in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). On the basis of the analysis performed, we conclude that it is expedient to extrapolate the model of forming a talent pool of the public civil service in the Republic of Sakha (Y akutia) to other Russian regions.


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For citation: Panova Ye.A., Vasilieva Ye.A., Oparina N.N. Tools for Forming a Talent Pool of the Public Civil Service in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Upravlenets – The Manager, 2017, no. 6(70), pp. 2–9.