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The smart city transport and logistics system: Theory, methodology and practice


Gleb V. Savin, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor of Logistics and Commerce Dept. Ural State University of Economics


Forming the systems of flow processes management in the context of limited resources and a sharing economy is among the most pressing problems of digitalization. The scientific review analyses the theoretical and methodological foundations and special features of forming the smart city transport and logistics systems in practice, as well as the promising trends in their development aimed at increasing the level of mobility. Methodologically, the study rests on institutional and evolutionary economics theories, sustainable development theory, as well as the provisions of the quantitative school of management. The methods of systemic, comparative and cluster analysis were applied. Using VOSviewer software, the author analyses research publications indexed in the Russian and global citation databases and selects the articles dedicated to the latest trends in the field of mobility, transport and logistics. The research outlines the dominant trends and specifics of the smart mobility services development in real time for businesses and individuals, as well as intelligent transportation systems and highly autonomous vehicles in smart cities worldwide. The findings prove that the development of the Internet of Things underlies all trends, and a tendency to the formation of a multimodal environment, in particular. The study substantiates the necessity to develop the concept of urban logistics as a tool that expands the opportunities for forming sustainable systems of flow processes management in an urban area. The research results can complement the research trends in the development of the smart city transport and logistics system, formulate the norms and rules for cooperation of economic agents, and also serve as a theoretical and methodological framework for further research.


municipal administration; smart city; intelligent transportation system; highly autonomous vehicles; bibliometric analysis.

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For citation: Savin G.V. (2021). The smart city transport and logistics system: Theory, methodology and practice. Upravlenets – The Manager, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 67–86. DOI: 10.29141/2218-5003-2021-12-6-5.