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Health-oriented leadership’s impact on the well-being of healthcare workers: Assessment with a mediated model


Gökhan Kerse, PhD (Management and Organization), Associate Professor of Management Information Systems Dept. Kafkas University

Ahmet Burhan Çakici, PhD (Management and Organization), Associate Professor of Social Work Dept. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University

Vural Deniz, Lecturer of Office Services and Secretarial Practice, Hadim Vocational School. Selcuk University


In the face of growing stress in the workplace, employers are particularly interested in management practices focused on maintaining the psychological health of employees. This study examines the effect of the perception of health-oriented leadership (HoL) on the well-being of healthcare workers who have severe psychosocial working conditions in order to increase interest in employee well-being and provide leadership with a central role in this regard. The paper examined psychological wellbeing (PWB), job satisfaction, and life satisfaction together while attempting to determine whether HoL directly and indirectly (via PWB) affected work and life satisfaction based on the JD-R model. The methodological basis of the study was the provisions of the human resource theory management and the theory of leadership. Data was collected from 187 employees (convenience sampling) of a healthcare organization operating in a province in Turkey with the survey technique and analyzed using the SPSS and Smart PLS software. The findings revealed that HoL affects job satisfaction and life satisfaction both directly and through PWB. Therefore, the perception of HoL increased PWB, which in turn increased job satisfaction and life satisfaction. The study ultimately deducted that it was important to exhibit HoL behaviors for employee well-being. Among possible directions for further research could be a longitudinal design of analysis, as well as expanding the sample by including private healthcare organizations and additional locations.


health-oriented leadership; employee well-being; psychological well-being; job satisfaction; life satisfaction; healthcare workers; Turkey.

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For citation: Kerse G., Çakıcı A.B., Deniz V. (2022). Health-oriented leadership’s impact on the well-being of healthcare workers: Assessment with a mediated model. Upravlenets/ The Manager, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 49–66. DOI: 10.29141/2218-5003-2022-13-5-4. EDN: LMIQPM.