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Factors in consumer choice of Russian retail chains’ private labels: The role of green attributes


Svetlana S. Aleksanova, Head of the CIS Region. Mengna Company

Marina Yu. Sheresheva, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Head of the Laboratory for Institutional Analysis, Professor of Applied Institutional Economics Dept. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Lilia A. Valitova, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Senior Researcher of the Laboratory for Institutional Analysis. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Konstantin N. Aleksanov, Postgraduate, Faculty of Economics. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Deng Junzhi, Analyst of the Laboratory for Innovations. Shanghai Investment Consulting Corporation


The issues of green marketing, its impact on consumer behaviour, and the evolution of retail chains’ private labels (PLs) are well-covered in scientific literature. However, there is a lack of comprehensive research addressing the interconnection of these three aspects. The paper explores the factors affecting consumer decisions to purchase green private labels and identifies what product attributes Russian consumers associate with being green, i.e., safe for both the consumer and the environment at all stages of production, sales and disposal. The methodological basis of the study resides in relationship marketing theory, consumer choice theory, value perception theory and the concept of sustainable development. The data for the empirical study were obtained from in-depth expert interviews with retail chains’ representatives and respondents’ survey. The data were processed using correlation and regression analysis, as well as content analysis. The research results indicate that the price of private labels is not the sole factor in consumer choice: it is influenced by both socio-demographic characteristics of respondents and additional properties of PLs, including a set of green attributes, informative packaging, social orientation of private labels, etc. The findings of the study are valuable for planning marketing campaigns to promote PLs of retail chains.


green marketing; private labels; retail chains; consumer choice; fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG).

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For citation: Aleksanova S.S., Sheresheva M.Yu., Valitova L.A., Aleksanov K.N., Deng J. (2024). Factors in consumer choice of Russian retail chains’ private labels: The role of green attributes. Upravlenets/ The Manager, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 85–98. DOI: 10.29141/2218- 5003-2024-15-3-6. EDN: YKIZBQ.