English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)


Oksana U. Yuldasheva, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Head of Marketing Dept. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

Irina O. Trushnikova, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor of Marketing Dept. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics,

Veronika G. Shubaeva, Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Vice-Rector for Educational Activities, Professor of Marketing Dept. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics


The transition of the malls market to the maturity stage transforms consumer behaviour and requires a revision of traditional approaches to customer segmentation. The study aims to examine the purchasing behaviour of Russian consumers when doing mall shopping, their attitudes to the shopping value and the mall attributes based on generational and gender differences in order to justify the approach to customer segmentation at the market maturity stage. The research methodology is based on the theory of generations and customer value theory. Frequency, factor, regression, variance and cluster analyses were used as data processing methods. The evidence base includes the online survey data of 531 customers held in December 2023 – January 2024. The findings show that the fact of customers belonging to the generational cohort has a statistically significant impact on their behaviour and attitude to the mall attributes. The gender difference only partially explains consumer shopping behaviour. Generational cohorts and gender are important in relation to the hedonistic shopping value: the reaction of young and female shoppers was found to be statistically significant. The study reveals no correlation between consumer behaviour and the income level. Cluster analysis proves that psychographic variables, namely the attitude to the shopping value and the importance of mall attributes, are the basis for customer segmentation. Demographic segmentation factors are of a secondary nature in the context of the malls market transitioning to the maturity stage. It is the psychographic factors that come to the fore, i.e., the utilitarian and hedonistic shopping values, as well as the importance of hygienic and experienced attributes of shopping malls.


shopping center marketing; customer segmentation; gender; generational cohorts; shopping value; mall attributes; customer behavior patterns.

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For citation: Yuldasheva O.U., Trushnikova I.O., Shubaeva V.G. (2024). Shopping value and mall attributes: Generational and gender differences among Russian customers. Upravlenets/ The Manager, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 3–19. DOI: 10.29141/2218-5003-2024- 15-3-1. EDN: HIFIQY.