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Guidelines for references in non-Roman script

References in non-Roman script should include both transliterated and translated elements. The original language of the reference should be indicated at the end of the source description in round brackets: (in Persian), (in Chinese), etc. Some elements of the references need to be italicized.

For different types of sources, please, use the following examples:

1. Books

Glaziev S.Yu. (2007). Competitive advantages of national economic culture: Problems and possibilities. Moscow: Ekonomika. (In Russ.)

2. Articles

Anisimova S. V., Anisimov S. V. (2019). Ecosystem services as a basis for the development of recreational activities. Vіsnik Kharkіvs'kogo natsіonal'nogo avtomobіl'no-dorozhn'ogo unіversitetu / Bulletin of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, no. 85, pp. 124–131. DOI: 10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2019.85.0.124. (In Ukrainian)

Kanbur E. (2016). Examining the effects of perceived organizational support on intrapreneurship performance of employees. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi-KAÜİİBFD / Kafkas University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, vol. 7, no. 14, pp. 443–460. (In Turkish)

Wang Y. (2018). Right and wrong aspects of following the trend of America’s shale gas. Nengyuan / Energy, vol. 3, pp. 52–55. (In Chinese)

3. Theses, dissertations

Tserenova K.N. (2014). Tax incentives for innovation activities in the Russian Federation. Abstract of Cand. econ. sci. diss. Moscow. 26 p. (In Russ.)

4. Papers in conference proceedings

Ponomareva S.I. (2011). Prognostic potential of modern economic science. Proc. 15th Int. Sci.-Prac. Conf. “Problems of Creative Ontology: History. Economics. Culture. Politics. Law” (pp. 263−268). Ekaterinburg: UrFU. (In Russ.)

5. Chapters

Animitsa Ye.G. (2007). Municipal economy and municipal economics: Essential characteristics. In: Tatarkin A.I. (ed.) Spatial organization of society (pp. 15–36). Ekaterinburg: USUE. (In Russ.)


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